"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way."
- Frank Smith
1. JEI English 英語全領域課程
The program progresses in small steps and makes learning engaging and effective. The workbooks are designed to provide a strong foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills.
課程以小步漸進方式進行學習,教材內容為文法、詞彙以及閱讀技能方面的鞏固為基礎 -
From K1 or above 適合K1或以上學生
Tuition Fee:
Little English:$1220
Level A-C:$1220
Level D-J:$1350
Lesson:4 Lessons
Duration: 1 hour
2. JEI Reading & Writing 閱讀及寫作
Foster reading comprehension, writing, proofreading, and editing skills 培養閱讀理解、寫作、校對及編輯能力
Explore various types of literary genres in each grade level 根據不同年級,學生會可接觸到不同的文學體裁,培養閱讀習慣
Progress naturally through the introduction of various fiction and nonfiction books 透過小說類及非小說類書籍,學生可學懂不同寫作技巧
From Grade 3 or above 適合3年級或以上學生
Tuition Fee:
Level C-D:$1190
Level E-H:$1390
Lesson:4 Lessons
Duration: 1 hour
3. FIRST STEPS from Phonics to Reading 英語拼音
課程採用新加坡出版 FIRST STEPS from Phonics to Reading 為教材,更貼近亞洲小朋友的學習模式
以 故事 作主軸來教授拼音,每個故事更均植入 「社交及情感學習」 (Social and Emotional Learning)。學習拼音同時更能鼓勵他們正向成長心態(Growth Mindset)
Tuition Fee:$1250
Lesson:4 Lessons
Duration: 1 hour
Build up children’s interests on reading and develop their creative mind 培養學童的閱讀興趣及想像力
Provide the right balance of skills, such as comprehension, vocabulary and grammar 均衡的技巧訓練,如閱讀理解、字彙、文法等
Encourage children to speak and read English as much as possible 鼓勵學童多以英文說話及閱讀
Tuition Fee:
Lesson:4 Lessons
Duration: 1 hour
5. Cambridge English (YLE): Examination Preparation Course 劍橋英語基礎考試預備課程
Designed to assess the English language skills of children專為評估學童的英語能力而設
Starters, Movers and Flyers 等級分為第一級、第二級和第三級
Attempt to take globally- recognized Cambridge Exam in just less than 12 months 12個月內可以參加劍橋公開考試
Memorize up to 450 vocabularies 可學懂450個詞彙或以上
Study smart with visible distinctive results 透過導師的教導,使學生更有效率去學習,獲得顯著成績
Tuition Fee:$1120
Lesson:4 Lessons
Duration: 1 hour