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The Latest News

15th January 2025


Lunar New Year Opening Hour

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📣1月28日 (星期二)【年廿九】 : 10:00am-5:00pm

📣1月29日至31日(星期三至五)【年初一至三】 : 休息

📣2月1日(星期六)【年初四】: 9:00am-6:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hours because of the festival and center policy, details are as follows:

📣28/1 (Tue) : 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

📣29-31/1 (Wed-Fri) : Closed

📣1/2 (Sat) : 9:00 am-6:00 pm (Resume Normal)

12th September 2024


Mid-Autumn Festival Opening Hour

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📣 9月17日 - 中秋節 (星期二) : 10:00am-6:00pm

📣 9月18日 - 中秋節翌日 (星期三) : 休息

📣 9月19日 (星期四) :10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣17/9 Mid-Autumn Festival (Tue) : 10:00am-7:00pm

📣18/9 Public Holiday (Wed): Closed

📣19/9 (Thur) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

11th January 2024


Lunar New Year Opening Hour

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📣2月9日 (星期五)【年三十】 : 10:00am - 5:00pm

📣2月10日至13日(星期六至二)【年初一至四】 : 休息

📣2月14日(星期四)【年初五】: 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hours because of the festival and center policy, details are as follows:

📣9/2 (Fri) : 10:00am - 5:00pm

📣10-13/2 (Sat-Tue) : Closed

📣14/2 (Wed) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

16th October 2023


​Holiday Notice

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10月23日(星期一)為重陽節假期,本中心將會暫停開放。所有課堂會於10月24日(星期二)恢復正常。如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

During The Chung Yeung Festival, our Center will be temporarily closed on 23 October 2023. All classes will be resumed on 24 October 2023 (Tuesday). Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

5th June 2023

Encouraging Results in peech Contest!


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Our students had attended the 16th HK Students Open Speech Competition and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort into practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well done!

我們的學生於「第十六屆全港學生公開」P3-P4組 普通話 –– 說故事組別中獲得冠軍!恭喜他!他傑出的表現真是令人鼓舞,這絕對是歸功於學生的努力及老師用心教學。繼續努力啊!

8th July 2023


Gear Up for Summer 2023


暑期課程開始接受報名!今年將會以「Gear Up for Summer」作為主題,透過兩個半小時的活動,既可以鞏固及加強已有知識,更能在暑假期間發掘各方面潛能,學懂調節情緒發培養抗逆能力。



13th March 2023

Encouraging Results in peech Contest!


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Our students had attended the IPEL X KPCC 2022 Mandarin Speech Contest and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!

我們的學生於「IPEL X KPCC 中華文藝盃2022朗誦比賽」P3組 普通話 –– 散文中獲得金獎!恭喜他!他傑出的表現真是令人鼓舞,這絕對是歸功於學生的努力及老師用心教學。繼續努力啊!

7th December 2022


Holidays Opening Hour

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📣12月22日 (星期四) : 10:00am - 5:00pm
📣12月24日 (星期六) : 9:00am - 5:00pm
📣12月25日(星期日)至2023年1月2日(星期一) : 聖誕假期及中心假期 - 休息

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣22/12 (Thu) : 10:00am - 5:00pm

📣24/12 (Sat) : 9:00am - 5:00pm

📣25/12(Sun) to 2/1/2023 (Mon): Closed

5th September 2022


Mid Autumn Opening Hour

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📣9月10日(星期六): 9:00am - 5:00pm

📣9月12日(星期一): 休息

📣9月13日(星期二): 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣10/9 (Sat) : 9:00am - 5:00pm

📣12/9 (Mon) : Closed

📣13/9 (Tue) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

27th June 2022


​Holiday Notice

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7月1日(星期五)為香港特別行政區成立紀念日假期,本中心將會暫停開放。如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

Center will be temporary closed for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day on 1st July (Friday). Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

23th April 2022


Good News 

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Our student had attended the GAPSK and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!


19th April 2022

Business Hour Adjustment

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如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

Please note that our Center is now opened . The opening hours is resumed to normal as follow:
Mon-Fri: 10:00am-7:00pm
Sat: 9:00am-6:00pm


Appreciated for your support and understanding!

Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

26th May 2022


​Holiday Notice

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6月3日(星期五)為端午節假期,本中心將會暫停開放。如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

Center will be temporary closed for Dragon Boat Festival on 3rd June (Friday). Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

26th February 2022

Business Hour Adjustment


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如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

Owing to the pandemic, our business hours will be adjusted for the being. Today business hour is from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Thank you for your understanding! Stay strong and healthy!

Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

26th February 2022

Business Hour Adjustment

(28/2 - 12/3)

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如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

In view of the severe epidemic situation, we will be working from home since today (until further notice). All Zoom classes will be engaged as usual. Thank you for your understanding! Stay strong and healthy!

Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

18th March 2022

Business Hour Adjustment

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如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

Please note that our Center is now opened . The opening hours is as follow:
Mon-Fri: 10:00am-7:00pm
Sat: Work from home

You may feel free to come to our Center during the above opening hours for collecting the class materials (if necessary) or paying the tuition fee directly. Appreciated for your support and understanding!

Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

18th June 2021




Please click the photo to know more about our summer courses 2021.

14th December 2021


Christmas Business Hour



📣12月21日 (星期二) : 10:00am - 5:00pm
📣12月24日 (星期五) : 10:00am - 6:00pm
📣12月25日(星期六)至2022年1月2日(星期日) : 聖誕假期及中心假期 - 休息

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣21/12 (Tue) : 10:00am - 5:00pm

📣24/12 (Fri) : 10:00am - 6:00pm

📣25/12(Sat) to 2/1/2022: Closed

13th December 2024

榮獲 JEI Center Of The Year 2024

Obtain "Center Of The Year 2024" from JEI





We are immensely honored and grateful to receive this award. First and foremost, we would like to thank JEI for their trust and support. Without their resources and assistance, it would not have been possible for us to achieve this success.

Looking ahead, our center will continue to strive, with the support of JEI, to provide every student with the highest quality educational services. We are committed to helping them achieve their academic goals and aspirations. Together, we will keep pushing forward and move hand in hand!

18th March 2024


Easter Holiday Opening Hour



📣 3月29日至4月1日 - 復活節假期 (星期五至一) : 休息

📣 4月2日 (星期二): 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

📣 4月4日 - 清明節 (星期四) : 休息

📣 4月5日 (星期五): 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣29/3 - 1/4 Easter Holidays (Fri - Mon) : Closed

📣2/4 (Tue) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

📣4/4 Ching Ming Festival (Thurs) : Closed

📣5/4 (Tue) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

29th December 2023

Encouraging Results in peech Contest!


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Our students had attended the 15th Zhong Hua Tiao Zhan Bei Quan Gang Ren Cai Yi Shu Lang Song Bi Sai and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort into practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well done!


23th September 2023


Holiday Opening Hour

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📣9月29日- 中秋節 (星期五) : 10:00am-6:00pm
📣9月30日 - 中秋節翌日 (星期六) : 休息 
📣10月2日 - 國慶日翌日 (星期一): 休息
📣10月3日 (星期二): 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hours because of the festival and center policy, details are as follows:

📣29/9 Mid Autumn Festival (Fri) : 10:00am-6:00pm

📣30/9 The day following Mid Autumn Festival (Sat) : Closed

📣2/10 The day following National Day(Mon) : Closed

📣3/10 (Tue) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

18th September 2023


Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival Training Course Promotion

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​想做足準備參加「香港學校朗誦節」?想小朋友可以提升朗誦技巧,將誦材朗誦得更有層次?今年,JEI Smart Tree Learning Center新增「香港學校朗誦節訓練班」,透過課堂訓練,小朋友可以提升並掌握朗誦三大技巧:意境、聲音,形態,從而增加朗誦感染力,而且可以把誦材有層次地朗誦出來。



1st April 2023


Easter Holiday Opening Hour

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📣4月5日- 清明節 (星期三) : 休息
📣4月6日 (星期四): 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運) 
📣4月7-10日 - 復活節假期 (星期五至一): 休息
📣4月11日 (星期二): 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣5/4 Ching Ming Festival(Wed) : Closed

📣6/4 (Thur) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

📣7-10/4 (Fri - Mon) : Closed

📣11/4 (Tue) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

11th January 2023


Lunar New Year Opening Hour

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📣1月21日 (星期六)【年廿九】 : 9:00am - 4:00pm

📣1月22日至25日(星期日至三)【年初一至四】 : 休息

📣1月26日(星期四)【年初五】: 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣21/1 (Sat) : 9:00am - 4:00pm

📣22-25/1 (Sun - Wed) : Closed

📣26/1 (Thur) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

26th September 2022


Holidays Opening Hour

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📣10月1日(星期六): 國慶日 - 休息

📣10月4日(星期二): 重陽節 - 休息

Our Center will be temporary closed for public holidays, details are as following:

📣1/10 (Sat) : National Day - Closed 

📣4/10 (Tue) : Chung Yeung Festival - Closed

4th July 2022


​Summer Promotion

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-    JEI Math
-    JEI Problem Solving
-    Brain Safari
-    JEI English
-    JEI Reading & Writing



28th April 2022


​Holiday Notice

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5月2日(星期一)為勞動節翌日及5月9日(星期一)為佛誕翌日,本中心將會暫停開放。如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

Center will be closed for The day following Labour Day - 2nd May (Monday) and The day following the Birthday of the Buddha - 9th May (Monday). Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

8th April 2022


​Easter Holiday Notice

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Center will be closed for Easter Holiday from 15 April (Friday) to 18 April (Monday). We will be opened as usual on 19 April (Tuesday).

24th March 2022

IPEL Recognized Cooperative Organization

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We would like to inform you that our center has become a recognized cooperative organization of Internation Putonghua Examinations. It is so glad to have this opportunity to become their cooperative organization. 


12th March 2022

Business Hour Adjustment

(14/3 - 19/3)

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如有任何問題,歡迎WhatsApp 56196687與我們聯絡。

Please note that our Center will be opened next week. The opening hours is as follow:
Mon-Fri: 10:00am-7:00pm
Sat: Work from home

You may feel free to come to our Center during the above opening hours for collecting the class materials (if necessary) or paying the tuition fee directly. Appreciated for your support and understanding!

Please contact us via WhatsApp on 56196687 for any enquiry.

14th January 2022


Suspension of face-to-face classes

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【Class Arrangement】

According to the latest directive from The Education Bureau (EDB), please be informed the face-to-face classes for learning centers will be suspended until 6th March 2022. All students will be transited to “Online Classroom” on Zoom which help them to be well-equipped before the schools resume. Please pay attention.

24th January 2022


Lunar New Year Opening Hour

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📣1月31日 (星期一)【年廿九】 : 10:00am - 4:00pm

📣2月1日至3日(星期二至四)【年初一至三】 : 休息

📣2月4日(星期五)【年初四】: 10:00am -7:00pm (正常營運)

Our Center will change our opening hour because of the festival and center policy, details are as following:

📣31/1 (Mon) : 10:00am - 4:00pm

📣1/2-3/2 (Tue to Thur) : Closed

📣4/2 (Fri) : 10:00am-7:00pm (Resume Normal)

11th June 2021




26th May 2021


Good News 

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Our students had attended the GAPSK and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!


26th March 2021


Good News 


Our student had attended Cambridge English Assessment - YLE Starters and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!



【🌈Color our days🌈】JEI Smart Tree X Crayola 藝術教室

October 13, 2020

【🌈Color our days🌈】我們JEI Smart Tree很榮幸可以同美國兒童創意繪畫產品領導品牌Crayola 一齊合作😊製作一系列美術教學短片🎞。大家可以有更多ideas💡點樣運用不同顏色材料,在家輕鬆+容易+安全地同小朋友一齊創作藝術🎨。

藝術創作,例如:繪畫,除了是一種娛樂活動之外,還可以培養小朋友多方面潛能,如想像力與創造力、細緻入微嘅觀察能力同理性思維~顏色更會對小朋友的視覺👁 和大腦發育🧠起到好好的刺激作用💪🏻。

📣第一條影片是由我們心導師Miss Lilian會教大小朋友怎樣0️⃣難度就可以畫到3款好可愛的卡通人物🙆🏻‍♀️~想學怎樣畫屁屁偵探、炸蝦尾同埋BT21 Cooky嘅話,那就要密切留意我們發佈的教學影片啦😉!小朋友除了可以跟住導師一齊用色彩繽紛的Crayola顏色筆畫畫之外,亦都可運用想像力,創作屬於自己的作品😍。

Back to Normal Business Hours [2 Nov Updated]

November 01, 2020


✏️星期一至五 - 上午10時至下午7時
✏️星期六 - 上午9時至下午6時
✏️星期日及公眾假期 - 休息

📞電話: 26346101 / 26346102
📲WhatsApp -
📥Facebook Inbox: JEI Smart Tree Learning Center - Fo Tan

Business Hour Adjustment [8 Sep Updated]

September 07, 2020

​In view of the imminent risk of health impact caused by the COVID-19, there will be new business hours until further notice in order to protect our students and teachers. Although we have adjusted our opening hour, all administrations, classes and "Online Classroom" are normal. Parents can contact us as usual. New opening hours are as following:

  • Mon to Fri: 10:00-19:00

  • Sat: 09:00-16:00

  • Sun and Public Holiday: Closed



星期六: 上午9時至下午4時

​星期日及公眾假期: 休息

Class Arrangement during Adverse Weather Condition 惡劣天氣下課堂安排

August 24, 2020

Typhoon Signal No. 3 (3號風球) / Red Rainstorm Warning (紅色暴雨警告)

  • All class will be held as scheduled including the classes for kindergarten student

  • Parents may decide whether to bring their children to the class

  • For those students who cannot come to the class during this period, parents can come to pick up their homework by appointment with our tutor

  • No make-up classes will be offered


Typhoon Signal  No. 8 or above (8號風球或以上) / Black Rainstorm Warning (黑色暴雨警告)

  • All classes will be cancelled


  • If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered before 2pm; all classes will be resumed after 2 hours when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered

  • If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered at or after 2pm, all classes will be cancelled

  • For cancelled classes, parents can come to pick up their homework by appointment with our tutor

  • No make-up classes will be arranged for any cancelled class

Changing Center Opening Hour

July 04, 2020

​In view of the imminent risk of health impact caused by the COVID-19, there will be new business hours until further notice in order to protect our students and teachers. Although we have adjusted our opening hour, all administrations, classes and "Online Classroom" are normal. Parents can contact us as usual. New opening hours are as following:

  • Mon to Fri: 10:00-19:00

  • Sat: 09:00-15:00

  • Sun and Public Holiday: Closed



星期六: 上午9時至下午3時

​星期日及公眾假期: 休息

Learn From Home

July 15, 2020


1. 中心會照常開放。小朋友仍可如常上課,我們亦會保持中心高度衛生及一系列措施,以保障師生及家長的健康和安全。詳情請參閱我們之前在Facebook公佈的措施:

2. 為讓小朋友更能善用暑假,本中心已推出 「網上教室」,家長可為小朋友選擇遙距在家學習。小朋友既可在安全及舒適的環境下學習,又可以保持學習進度,而且家長亦可彈性安排上課時間,不受任何限制。詳情可參閱:


請家長們密切留意JEI Smart Tree Facebook page的最新動態。
如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間致電26346101 / 26346102 或 WhatsApp 56196687。謝謝各位的諒解。

願大家健康、平安!Please stay safe!

Changing Center Opening Hour

April 16, 2020

In view of the imminent risk of health impact caused by the COVID-19, there will be new business hours until further notice in order to protect our students and teachers. Although we have adjusted our opening hour, all administrations, classes and "Online Classroom" are normal. Parents can contact us as usual. New opening hours are as following:

  • Mon to Fri: 10:00-19:00

  • Sat: 09:00-14:00

  • Sun and Public Holiday: Closed



星期六: 上午9時至下午2時

​星期日及公眾假期: 休息

Changing Center Opening Hour

February 09, 2020

In view of the imminent risk of health impact caused by the Wuhan coronavirus, there will be new business hours until further notice in order to protect our students and teachers. Although we have adjusted our opening hour, all administrations, classes and "Online Classroom" are normal. Parents can contact us as usual. New opening hours are as following:

  • Mon, Wed to Fri: 10:00-19:00

  • Sat: 09:00-14:00

  • Tue & Sun: Closed



星期六: 上午9時至下午2時

​星期二及日: 休息

"Online Class" from JEI Smart Tree

February 04, 2020

From now on, we will launch ‘Online Classroom’. Children can learn and attend classes at home alternatively, which helps them to avoid learning loss and to be well-equipped before the schools resume. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

由即日起。本中心會推出 「網上教室」。家長可為小朋友選擇遙距在家學習,保持學習進度,為未來復課作最充足準備。如你有任何疑問,歡迎與我們查詢。

Arrangement of JEI Smart Tree Classes

February 04, 2020

Re: Arrangement of JEI Smart Tree Classes

Dear Parents and Students,

In view of the imminent risk of health impact caused by the Wuhan coronavirus, we have the following arrangements for the upcoming classes:-

  1. Our Center will be opened as usual. Children can still attend the classes as scheduled. We have taken strict precautions and measures on Center’s hygiene. For details, please refer to ;

  2. From now on, we will launch ‘Online Classroom’. Children can learn and attend classes at home alternatively, which helps them to avoid learning loss and to be well-equipped before the schools resume. For details, please refer to

For the time being, we will have flexible handling for the make-up class arrangements. 
Please follow our Facebook page for the latest update. Kindly contact us via phone (26346101 / 26346102) during office hours or WhatsApp (56106687). Thank you for your kind understanding.

《有關JEI Smart Tree 課堂安排》



  1. 中心會照常開放。小朋友仍可如常上課,我們亦會保持中心高度衛生及一系列措施,以保障師生及家長的健康和安全 (詳情請參閱:;

  2. 由即日起。本中心會推出 「網上教室」。家長可為小朋友選擇遙距在家學習,保持學習進度,為未來復課作最充足準備。*詳情可參閱:*

請家長們密切留意JEI Smart Tree Facebook page的最新動態。如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間致電26346101 / 26346102 或WhatsApp 56196687。謝謝各位的諒解。

Personal and Classroom Hygiene Prevention Measures and Guidelines

January 28, 2020

In view of the imminent risk of health impact caused by the Wuhan coronavirus, we have heightened the prevention measures against the infectious disease. Hygiene ensured, students secured, rest assured. 

Prevention measures currently in place include: thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the environment, classrooms and equipment, and mandating all staff members to wear a surgical mask.

Meanwhile, upon attending classes, students and parents/guardians should take the following advices:-

  1. Please wear a surgical mask before arrival;

  2. Before the lesson, please sanitise hands with alcohol-based handrub available at our reception;

  3. Student’s body temperature will be measured before lesson. If the temperature is 37.5 degree Celsius or above, please do NOT attend the class;

  4. Please keep the surgical mask on during lesson;

  5. Parents/guardians should also wear a surgical mask within the Center area;

  6. In order to minimize the risk of contracting and spreading of the novel disease, students or teachers who had travelled to the Mainland China should implement self-isolation for 14 days upon returning, and should notify the Center promptly.

If students are unwell, have fever and/or respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or sore throat, please refrain from attending class and seek medical attention promptly. Kindly notify us by phone or WhatsApp, make-up lessons will be arranged. 

Besides, Education Bureau has announced to extend the Chinese New Year holiday. In order to facilitate students’ learning after school resumes, we will cover the topics in advance during the school suspension period. Please let us know 2 days in advance if you are going to absent from the class.

Lastly, thank you for your support in combating the novel disease. We wish you a happy new year and good health. 

Thank you for your kind attention. 




  1. 請於出發中心上課前請佩戴合適的口罩;

  2. 上課前,請到櫃檯用消毒酒精為雙手進行清潔;

  3. 我們將會為每位學員量度體溫,如高於攝氏37.5度之發燒者不能上課;

  4. 上課時 必須 佩戴口罩;

  5. 家長/監護人接送放學時,亦必須佩戴口罩,或於門外等候。進入校內範圍亦須佩戴口罩;

  6. 內地回港十四天自我隔離措施:為有效加強防疫措施,在新春期間曾經返回內地的學員,由回港日起 14天 內請進行自我隔離,並盡早向本中心通報。


另外,教育局已宣布全港學校延長農曆新年假期,預計復課後會加快教學速度,期間我們會幫小朋友預習課題,讓小朋友復課後能更有效率學習。明白現階段基於特別情況,如需要請假,請預早 兩日 和我們聯絡,我們會盡量彈性處理。


Lunar New Year Center Opening Hour

January 23, 2020

Our center will be closed at 5p.m. on 2020-01-24 (Thu) in the Chinese New Year's Eve.

During Chinese New Year’s Day, our center will be temporary closed from 2020-01-25 (Sat) to 2020-01-28 (Tue). Center will be resumed on 2020-01-29 (Wed).               

We wish you a Good Health & Happy New Year!

2020-01-24 (年三十) 為農曆新年除夕,本中心營業至當天下午5時正。

2020-01-25 (年初一) 至 2020-01-28 (年初四) 至為農曆年假,本中心將暫停開放。並於2020-01-29 (年初五)照常營業。


Encouraging Results in the 2019 IPEL Mandarin Speech Contest! 恭喜我們中心同學獲得2019年IPEL全港普通話朗誦比賽亞軍!

November 13, 2019

Our students had attended the 2019 IPEL Mandarin Speech Contest and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!

我們的學生於2019年IPEL全港普通話朗誦比賽國際學校(Grade 3-4)普通話獨誦 - 詩歌組取得亞軍!恭喜他!他傑出的表現真是令人鼓舞,這絕對是歸功於學生的努力及老師用心教學。繼續努力啊!

Congratulations to Our Student for Obtaining the Oustanding Result in Cambridge English Exam! 恭喜Nicholas在劍橋英語基礎考試中獲得最優異成績!

August 25, 2019

Congratulations to our student, Nicholas!! He has obtained very outstanding results in Cambridge English Exam. That is definitely contributed by their great effort that he has paid and our teacher's great teaching! Keep it up!



Encouraging Results in the 5th KPCC Speech Contest! 恭喜我們中心同學獲得第五屆KPCC朗誦比賽季軍!

August 21, 2019

Our students had attended the 5th KPCC Speech Contest and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!


Easter Enrichment Courses

April 14, 2019

Wanna fully utilize this Easter holiday? Let's make it to be an academic and helpful one! We are having a special promotion of JEI courses. Kids can learn more about English and Math to develop their different abilities and make more friends here. It will be definitely substantial and full of fun! Join us now! 

Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme

January 27, 2019

Our company had attended “Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme” and we have been granted the following awards:


    1.         Family-Friendly Employers


    2.         Awards for Breastfeeding Support


Thanks so much Home Affairs Bureau and Family Council for affirming our family-friendly employment practices and it is definitely our honour to obtain to Award. And we would like to dedicate our heartfelt gratitude to every staff in JEI SmartTree for devoting their efforts and contributions on their work. 

Notice of Changing Working Hour in Christmas Holiday

December 21, 2018

Our Center will change our opening hour to 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on 22 December. Also, our Center will be temporary closed from 24 December 2018 (Monday) to 1 January 2019 (Tuesday). Center will be resumed on 2 January 2019. If you have any question ,please do not hesitate to send a WhatsApp message or Facebook message to us. 

We wish you are Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Christmas English Bible Workshop

December 07, 2018

For unto us a child is born (Isaiah 9:6)

The English Bible story workshop is coming in this Christmas. In this workshop, kids can understand the origin and meaning of Christmas and learn how to love and share with other in this workshop. Also, kids can enjoy the Bible story through interesting activities such as, role play and sing Christmas Carols to understand more the story. Join us now! 

Encouraging Results in the 32nd GAPSK Speech Contest! 恭喜陳同學獲得第三十二屆GAPSK朗誦比賽冠軍!

October 26, 2018

Our students had attended the 32nd GAPSK Speech Contest and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!


Congratulations to Our Student for Obtaining the Oustanding Result in GAPSK! 恭喜楊同學獲得最優異成績獎!

April 13, 2018

Congratulations to our student, Thomas!! He has obtained very outstanding results in GAPSK examination. That is definitely contributed by their great effort that he has paid and our teacher's great teaching! Keep it up!



Notice of Changing Working Hour in Easter Holiday

March 29, 2018

Our Center will be temporary closed from 30 March (Friday) to 2 April (Monday). Center will be resumed on 3 April (Tuesday). If you have any question ,please do not hesitate to send a WhatsApp message or Facebook message to us. 

We wish you have a Happy Easter Holiday

Our support to Earth Hour 2018

March 06, 2018

Earth is our planet and a most important need for the continuity of life.

Climate change is not only in the news. Everyone must has his responsibility to protect the Earth.  We invite you to join the light off ‘Earth Hour’. It can make our lives better. Our grandchildren will thank us for living more sustainably. Let's go action now.



誠邀您們一起參加 “地球一小時”活動,阻止氣候變化,使我們的生活更美好,讓我們的下一代可持續性生活,現在我們動起來吧。

Easter Thankful Workshops (Part 1)

March 04, 2018

The icing cookies workshop is coming back. In this Easter, we will make some adorable cookies again. Children can learn how to make icing cookies and make cookies for the dearest. This time, we will make four different types of cookies. Join us now! If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Notice of Working Hour During Chinese Lunar New Year

February 14, 2018

Our Center will be closed at 4:00 pm for the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve on 15 February (Thursday). Also, our center will be temporary closed from 16 February (Friday) to 19 February (Monday). Center will be resumed on 20 February 2018 (Tuesday). If you have any question ,please do not hesitate to send a WhatsApp message or Facebook message to us. 

We wish you all the best in this Chinese New Year!

2月15日為農曆新年除夕,本中心營業至當日下午4時正。此外,2月16日 (年初一,星期五)至2月19日(年初四,星期一)為農曆年假,本中心將暫停開放,並於2月19日(年初五,星期二)照常營業。如有任何查詢,歡迎發WhatsApp短訊與我們聯絡。


GAPSK Recognized Examination Venue

January 10, 2018

We would like to inform you that our center has become a recognized examination venue of GAPSK. The 34th GAPSK examination will be held on 4th March 2018 (Sunday) in our center. We are looking forward to seeing you on that day.


Notice of Changing Working Hour in Holiday

December 21, 2017

Our Center will be closed at 5:00 pm for the Chinese Winter Solstice Festival on 22 December 2017 (Friday). Also, during Christmas and New Year's Day, our center will be temporary closed from 25 December 2017 (Monday) to 1 January 2018 (Monday). Center will be resumed on 2 January 2018 (Tuesday). If you have any question ,please do not hesitate to send a WhatsApp message or Facebook message to us. 

We wish you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Christmas Funny Workshops (Part 3)

November 19, 2017

We are having different workshops in this Christmas. Last but not least, the English Bible story workshop is coming again in this Christmas. In this workshop, kids can understand the origin and meaning of Christmas and learn how to love and share with other. Also, kids can enjoy the Bible story through interesting activities and Christmas Carols! Join us now! 

Christmas Funny Workshops (Part 2)

November 15, 2017

We are having different workshops for kids to join in this Christmas. Second workshop is "Christmas Little Magician Workshop". Kids can enjoy to learn different types of magic, such as, close-up magic, stage magic and interactive magic ... etc and gain a lot of fun from workshop. It will be amazing if kids can show these magics in Christmas party! Join us now! 

Christmas Funny Workshops (Part 1)

November 14, 2017

Wanna fully utilize this Christmas holiday? Let's make it to be an Incredible and Unforgettable one! We are having different workshops for kids. First, we are going to make Christmas icing cookies. Kids can enjoy making lovely cookies and give to their dearest. It will be definitely substantial and full of fun! Join us now! 

Congratulations to Our Student for Obtaining the Oustanding Result in GAPSK! 恭喜雷同學獲得最優異成績獎!

October 26, 2017

Congratulations to our student, Koey!! She has obtained very outstanding results in GAPSK examination. That is definitely contributed by their great effort that she has paid and our teacher's great teaching! Keep it up!



Intensive P.1 Interview Class (Summer Session)

May 23, 2017

P.1 Interviews are heading to every K2 students. There is no trick or shortcut but we can always prepare better for the interviews and strive for a more satisfactory performance without any stress. We honorably invited Chris Sir who is experienced in teaching P.1 interview skills for many years to hold the interview class in JEI Smart Tree from this Summer holiday!

Enroll now and secure a seat!

Primary 1 Interview Seminar

April 08, 2017

Got puzzled? Want to know more about Primary 1 Interview? Come and join our Seminar which will be held on 21 May 2017 (Sunday) at 3-5:30pm. We have invited Chris Sir for the Seminar, who is very experienced in teaching Primary Interview Class and holding related seminars. That must be a fruitful one especially for parents who are going to apply for primary schools for their kids! Please enroll through WhatsApp NOW! Seats are limited and don't miss the chance!

Our support to Earth Hour 2017!

March 24, 2017

Protecting our environment is the utmost important thing that we should do. Earth Hour is a very meaningful event that we have been supporting since last year. Turning off the lights for an hour looks not that significant or critical enough for the environment protection, but it does build everyone's habit and draw our attention on safeguarding the future of the Earth by treasuring the world’s natural resources, choosing sustainable products, reducing waste and promoting and using renewable energy wherever possible :)

This is our pledge

Easter Mini Camp 2017

March 21, 2017

Wanna fully utilize this Easter holiday? Let's make it to be an Eatable & a Loving one! We are having a 2-day mini-camp for kids, which only spends 1.5 hours on respective days. Kids can enjoy making lovely snacks and having interesting activities through bible stories. It will be definitely substantial and full of fun! Join us now! 

Congratulations to our Ms. Cheung for obtaining the Excellence in Teaching Award! 恭喜張老師獲得教學獎!

February 06, 2017

Congratulations to our Ms. Cheung who has obtained Excellence in Teaching Award, which is awarded by Golden Bauhinia! Big thanks to her patience, kindness and great effort in teaching onwards!


Outstanding Results in Putonghua Open Exams and Competitions! 普通話公開考試及比賽屢創佳績!

February 01, 2017

Congratulations to our students!! They have obtained very outstanding results in several Putonghua open examinations and speech competitions. 100% of our students can achieve 'Excellence' or above. That is definitely contributed by their great effort that they have paid and our teacher's great teaching! Keep it up!



DIY Homemade Lip Balm & Anti-Bug Spray Workshop

November 06, 2016

As a parent, we want everything 100% natural and organic to our family, especially skincare and household products. Do you know we can even make them by ourselves? Let's learn how and it's easy! We are going to co-operate with Oil Scentury to hold a workshop on 19 November 2016 (Saturday) afternoon. In this DIY workshop, you will know about the basic knowledge of aromatherapy and hands-on skill for doing natural skincare or home products. After this workshop, you can bring home with these items:

- Lip Balm x 10pcs

- Anti-Bug Spray

- Extra Christmas gift for first 3 sign-ups

You can bring along your kid (4 years old or above) to join us. This would be an exciting and practical one! Come and join us now! Limited spaces are reserved. Please Whatsapp us on +852 5619 6687 to sign-up.

Encouraging KPCC & GAPSK Exam Results

September 30, 2016

One more of our students, Isaac, has obtained 'Distinction' in both KPCC & GAPSK Examinations! Bravo! We are so proud of him! Keep it up :)

KPCC and GAPSK are recognized Putonghua examinations for kiddies in Hong Kong. Kindergarten students are encouraged to take these exams as it can be easily manage for young kids with less pressure. Meantime, they can make use of this chance to practice their Putonghua, primary schools admission interviews by strengthening their confidence, and also obtaining an accreditation on language.

Save & Study Package 新學年報讀優惠

August 31, 2016

Do you need think that your children are in need of unleashing their potential from various areas, while in fact it is costly in learning? Don't worry! We have launched 'Save & Study Package' for School Term 2016-17 (i.e. from September 2016 to June 2017), which allows you to 'Learn more, Save more'!.

As a comprehensive learning academe, we hope all of our kids can learn what they need happily and effectively, with saving their traveling time and parents' cost. We believe 'Better Grades start with Happy Learning'. Learn more about our package and your study plan below, or by consulting our Team today. :)

We are in EugeneBaby! 荷花親子推介!

June 19, 2016

WOW! We are in EugeneBaby and our 'Summer Fun Factory' is recommended! Thanks a ton for their support and we do look forward to it! Yay!

Ukulele Class 小結他親子班

May 31, 2016

Want to spend a lovely morning with your kid(s)? Join us to play Ukulele together! It's NOT a problem if you do not even have a clue on playing any musical instrument. Under the teaching of our experienced instructor, you can soon grasp the playing skills and have fun with your kid(s)! We will play famous kids' rhymes and fun music games in the class. Come and let's BRING THE HAPPY SOUND BACK TO HOME!

Summer Fun Factory 2016

May 21, 2016

Summer Break should be children's favourite time, which is relaxing yet fruitful. We have a series of programmes for ages 3 and up. The highlight would be the Creative Learning with Play-Doh Workshop. Sponsored by Play-Doh, children can experience 'Edutainment' which means learning while playing. Play-Doh is in fact a very fun and inspirational tool for learning. We also have Cooking Class, Craft Class, Creative Theatre, JEI Intensive Class, etc.. Please sign up now and enjoy various discounts offers from us!

Exclusive Offers*:

1) Early-bird discounts - 10% off; OR

2) Sign up 2 courses or more - 20% off;

3) Come with a friend - extra $100 discount

4) Sign up any course of Creative Learning with Play-Doh Workshop to get $20 Play-Doh Coupon.


*Terms & Conditions apply.

Encouraging Results in the 21st GAPSK Speech Contest

April 17, 2016

Our students had attended the 21st GAPSK Speech Contest and obtained very satisfactory results! They all have paid great effort on practising and the most important reward from the contest is not certificate, but the experience and chance for polishing themselves as well as strengthening their confidence! Well-done!

Old Books Charity Selling Event 10元圖書義賣活動

April 29, 2016

Have you thought that you can get the readers for yourselves while are supporting charity? We are having the Old Books Charity Selling Event on both 30 Apr & 7 May, 2016 (Sat). Those are second-hand books and yet in good conditions and having different categories, such as English novels, story books for children, English comics, etc.. All proceeds will be donated to World Vision HK. Please come and support us!

Music Groups for Kids 音樂童盟

April 22, 2016

Want to unleash your kids' potential on social and communication skills, as well as foster their interaction with others and enhance the Emotion Quotient (EQ)? Music is definitely a good way to help them achieve it! This course is taught by Registered Music Therapist, and she will be able to induce your children under a relax and happy atmosphere in a profession way. This course is suitable for 2.5 to 5 year-old children.

Running Training Course for Kids

March 18, 2016

Homework and Exams are stuffed your and your kids' mind? Don't forget a healthy body with high flexibility and endurance are equally important. We are now collaborating with BARBAR Sports to launch the Running Traning Course for kids aged 6-10. It's definitely a great chance to get yourself moving! 

The Easter Fun Factory - 29 Mar to 1 Apr 2016

March 07, 2016

Easter is the time for love and sharing - 'The Easter Fun Factory' offers kids a good time to 'Eat, Play, Love & Learn' during this special holiday. Please come and join us!

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